MICROCHIP - PIC16F690-I/SS - 8 Bit MCU, PIC16 Microcontrollers, 20 MHz, 7 KB, 256 Byte, 20 Pins, SSOP
- Product Range: PIC16 Microcontrollers
- CPU Speed: 20MHz
- Program Memory Size: 7KB
- RAM Memory Size: 256Byte
- No. of Pins: 20Pins
- MCU Case Style: SSOP
- No. of I/O's: 18I/O's
- Embedded Interface Type: EUSART, I2C, SPI
- Supply Voltage Min: 2V
- Supply Voltage Max: 5.5V
- MCU Family: PIC16
- MCU Series: PIC16F6xx
- Automotive Qualification Standard: AEC-Q100
- MSL: MSL 1 - Unlimited
- SVHC: No SVHC (15-Jan-2018)
- Controller Family/Series: PIC16F
- EEPROM Memory Size: 256Byte
- Flash Memory Size: 7KB
- IC Temperature Range: Industrial
- Logic Function Number: 16F690
- MPU Core Size: 8bit
- Memory Type: Flash
- Microprocessor/Controller Features: POR, PWRTE, OST, BOR, WDT, SPI, I²C, ICSP, 2 Comparators, SSP, ECCP+, EUSART
- No. of ADC Inputs: 12
- No. of Bits: 8bit
- No. of PWM Channels: 4
- No. of Timers: 3
- Number of bits In Timer: 16
- Number of bits in ADC: 10
- Operating Temperature Max: 85°C
- Operating Temperature Min: -40°C
- Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
- Oscillator Type: External, Internal